Friday, July 8, 2011

I Love My Breast

I have a new campaign within Womanisity..I Love my Breast campaign. I teach about collective consciousness and collectively there is too much talk about breast cancer and not enough about Breast love. Believe me I know how important it is to have information about BC, and I know we don't talk about the psychological, spiritual and environmental issue that also is a large part of it. I have experienced a great lost to BC, my mom. I attended almost every doctors visit, chemo treatment, operations- as it began to travel uninvited throughout her body and into my spirit.

I remember when I was young I heard my mom say often aren't my breast pretty,and my skin? Now you may think that may be a little unusual, she was pretty vain. But the truth of the matter was they were beautiful and her skin after ten children, didn't have a stretch mark or any marks on it. So can you imagine how she felt when the Dr. removed one of them.

Devestated yes but not for long, She still had another one and her skin was still beautiful. As a matter of a fact I told her that her breast had served their purpose and had done a good job. She looked at me, stuffed her bra and went to play bingo. Not trying to make it sound like its no big deal, oh what a big deal because the Cancer didn't stop there it made a pit stop in her colon so they took  part of it. Removed her uterus and contents just to make sure it doesnt go there. Gave her a radical mesectomy because they said they left some on the same breast. And finally because all of that it didn't destroy her confidence, it methodically moved to her brain. Making her forget the beauty of her one breast now marked up from the burns lefted over from radiation that penetrated her like a lazer going through steel leaving a big black and blue tatoo that she didn't agree to receiving. 

Just recently I had on a dress revealing my breast a little and a sudden flash back, my breast looked like hers, no marks  with the help of a nice bra quite perky, golden and wel..l pretty. I heard her voice loud and clear. And I thought wow, I could be next it does run in my family, don't get me wrong I am by no means claiming, but I have read the facts. I don't really see them, they are kept hidden strapped down and forgottened. Except when I put shae butter on them everynight as a ritual. No one else sees them and neither do I. Now I not saying I going to go naked or braless.  But I am saying if you ever see a peek or two understand I am enjoying the presence of my Breast and I am loving my breast. How about you? Would you like to join this campaign...I Love My Breast.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Interpretation of Drawings

Interpretation of Drawings- is a technique designed and developed by the Most High God. During a woman's retreat The Sanctuary, the person that was suppose to conduct a workshop didn't show. So I sat there with women wondering what do I do now. I heard the Spirit say, " tell them to get some paper, tell them to draw their faces from birth to now, I will give you the years." So I said, "get some paper"...Once the faces were drawn the Spirit began to interpret the drawings.

The result was the ability for one to identify possible stagnation found in their past experience and how it affect their present condition.  Thus, giving them the opportunity to acknowledge the past and make a change.

I have since used this technique with a number of people whose lives have been changed.

Call Nuit at 314-932-1003 office or 314-593-6105 cell to make appointment.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Today's Message

Todays message came as I was preparing for service, I didn't want to go I felt like I was in the garden of Gethsemane. Gethsemane the place the Master teacher Jesus of Nazareth attended often to pray, also the place he surrendered himself to fulfill his promised purpose. As I felt the need to press my way the spirit helped me to understand the job of one who knows his/hers purpose and what it takes for that to come to fruition. Gethsemane means oil press it was in the same location as the Mount of Olives, which was a mountain filled with olive trees. How convenient for an oil press. As Jesus time drew near, he wasn't ready to give up his new life.  He had become use to his earthly mother, new friends, enjoying helping people, feeling appreciated and needed. Now it was time to go. You know the story, he didn't want to drink out of the cup that was presented to him, the cup he agreed to. There is an ancient tradition where mothers would take part in a hearing ceremony. The child in the womb would be asked a question why are you coming hear? what are you going to be? The child through the spirit of the mother would answer. It would be then up to the community to help the child achieve its purpose. Jesus knew what he was about to go through just like an olive. To get the precise oil of an olive it had to go through a press, first be bruised or trampled on then strained. Thats called virgin oil. but there is more oil in that olive then it goes through a press to get all it can, to make it bone dry. That becomes the oil you use everyday. Jesus was bruised and pressed not by his will but by the Most High God. He knew his purpose. Do you know yours? I pressed my way out this morning to do what I promised and purposed to do. What a powerful message just think if I would have missed it. Peace

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Yeyo Arts Collective

Yeyo Arts Collective is dedicated to women's art and topics surrounding women’s issues; including family youth, and community.
Our guiding principals are:

-We believe in empowerment through arts based learning.
-We practice intergenerational collaboration.
-We encourage creativity and inventive efforts in daily life practice.
-We support independent, arts based entrepreneurial efforts.
-As women we stand together, and against gender stereotyping in the arts and society at large.

Together we operate Gya Community Gallery and Fine Craft Shop!
2700 Locust
St. Louis, MO 63103
Gya Community Gallery & Fine Craft Shop Hours: 
::: Mon-Wed. 2-6:30 .Thurs - Fri: noon-6:30. Sat 11-4::: 
*Events and classes vary /Meetings by appointment 

Friday, March 4, 2011


Recently I went on a rampage, which is not my character. I was taken back by an advertisement that was suppose to be for an anti-abortion message. But, instead more to me a tragedy sent out to devalue and delete African-Americans. It was more like an Anti-African Americans ad. A billboard that read "The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb". How dare someone say that! And you know what it isn't even important who said it, to me again. It's what was said, How can someone put that out in the universe. The most dangerous place, does that mean it's more dangerous than the war in Afghanistan, prison, an infested drug community, the Lorraine Motel balcony, Mississippi in 1965? comon in the Womb!

Okay I got to let the  negative emotions settle down, breathe. Okay, so I have started a campaign "The most loving place for an African-American is in the Womb." The African-Womb the Mother of Earth.