Friday, July 8, 2011

I Love My Breast

I have a new campaign within Womanisity..I Love my Breast campaign. I teach about collective consciousness and collectively there is too much talk about breast cancer and not enough about Breast love. Believe me I know how important it is to have information about BC, and I know we don't talk about the psychological, spiritual and environmental issue that also is a large part of it. I have experienced a great lost to BC, my mom. I attended almost every doctors visit, chemo treatment, operations- as it began to travel uninvited throughout her body and into my spirit.

I remember when I was young I heard my mom say often aren't my breast pretty,and my skin? Now you may think that may be a little unusual, she was pretty vain. But the truth of the matter was they were beautiful and her skin after ten children, didn't have a stretch mark or any marks on it. So can you imagine how she felt when the Dr. removed one of them.

Devestated yes but not for long, She still had another one and her skin was still beautiful. As a matter of a fact I told her that her breast had served their purpose and had done a good job. She looked at me, stuffed her bra and went to play bingo. Not trying to make it sound like its no big deal, oh what a big deal because the Cancer didn't stop there it made a pit stop in her colon so they took  part of it. Removed her uterus and contents just to make sure it doesnt go there. Gave her a radical mesectomy because they said they left some on the same breast. And finally because all of that it didn't destroy her confidence, it methodically moved to her brain. Making her forget the beauty of her one breast now marked up from the burns lefted over from radiation that penetrated her like a lazer going through steel leaving a big black and blue tatoo that she didn't agree to receiving. 

Just recently I had on a dress revealing my breast a little and a sudden flash back, my breast looked like hers, no marks  with the help of a nice bra quite perky, golden and wel..l pretty. I heard her voice loud and clear. And I thought wow, I could be next it does run in my family, don't get me wrong I am by no means claiming, but I have read the facts. I don't really see them, they are kept hidden strapped down and forgottened. Except when I put shae butter on them everynight as a ritual. No one else sees them and neither do I. Now I not saying I going to go naked or braless.  But I am saying if you ever see a peek or two understand I am enjoying the presence of my Breast and I am loving my breast. How about you? Would you like to join this campaign...I Love My Breast.